Saturday, October 2, 2010



 Rhythm is expressed mainly through repeating elements that create movement. The stairs and the sorta-kinda looking people are the repeated elements in this image which brings us to Rhythm. Doesn't it look like something's happening? 


Symmetrical Balance

See the symmetry from the design and structure of the wall? That is Symmetrical Balance. It gives of an impression of stability and firmness. 

Asymmetrical Balance

Look at the rocks. Then look at the vast land from behind those rocks. The lighter weight element can actually balance the heavier one by being farther away from the audience's point and vice versa. This is asymmetrical balance as we know it.


 In this images, we can clearly see the proportion of each element relating with the other element. Mainly, proportion is about how big or small an element is compared to the other elements in the actual picture. 


Creative works need variety in shape, color, and tones. As you may well see, this image offers a lot of variety in terms of color and tones. 


Obviously, the word "psychology" is given emphasis here by blurring out the other texts. 


 This image has unity among it's elements making it pleasing for the eyes to see. Not many things are happening in the picture. Although, there are variations in color, it uses the same shades of the color. 



A line can be loose, free or straight. And repetition of lines can make a pattern. I'm sure your familiar with this street mark; the pedestrian line cross. See how lines can be used in such a way that it doesn't just make a pattern but also make sense and actually mean something. 


A Shape can be of many forms. There's the circle, the square, the triangle, etc. This photo allows us to see that shapes add up to the artistic aspect of an image. Imagine this chocolates, flat. Not exciting eh? 


Space emphasizes the movement and distance of a certain object from a certain point. The result will be that there's a placement of the object for the audience's perception. This image shows space between the dancer and the ground or background. 


Colour can be seen practically everywhere. But the application of these colors differ for each situation. Definitely, colours can make an image interesting, producing a strong emotional or psychological impact to the audience. If these were just your ordinary No. 2 pencils, would you even look at this image?


Texture can be defined as the way things feel or touch. In this image, one can actually feel how rough the wood might be. It's not flat nor smooth eh?


Shade refers to how the light colors contrast the darker ones. A hue of red can have it's lighter shade and darker shade, right? And when you use it, for example, in this canvass you create a creative effect. At some point, it may look like there's actually a light source from the image.